We have arrived at the “go live” for McFarland-CPA’s interwebs presence during the 2017 tax season. Here you will find our regular blog posts but also access to our many web-community features (as we build them) including specialty pages and forums. The specialty pages are (or will be) curated knowledge areas where we cross-post blog posts but also more focused content in each of the financial planning domains (budgeting, investing, risk management/insurance, estate planning, and retirement planning).
We also have a page under construction explaining how to participate to gain discount points and also how to benefit from referrals. More on that to follow.
The blog posts during a month comprise the content of the monthly newsletter so if that is your preferred way to receive our content, there is no need to subscribe to or monitor the blog. You will still be able to participate in the forum discussions for each article/post following links in our newsletter.